Frequently Asked Questions
If I place an order, when will my order arrive?
Estimated delivery times appear in the shopping cart and during the check out process. We monitor closely this time schedule, if estimated shipping times extend from what we originally estimated, we will contact you immediately. (Please note shipping times are not indicative of the arrival date).
Custom netting products are commonly manufactured and shipped within 3-5 business days at most. Depending on the size of the order, this may extend and we will contact you if additional production time is needed. Stock items and hardware are available for immediate shipment. UPS is our choice of ground carrier, LTL items it may vary depending on location of the customer.
When will my credit/debit card be charged for my order?
The shopping cart will charge the order the same day as the order is placed. SPI Nets make internet orders High Priority to ship as soon as possible.
If an item of interest shows “Out of Stock”, when is the item expected to be available?
Please give us a call 1-866-243-6387 so we may give you the estimated ship date for those items.
Do Batting Cages and Tunnels come with a frame or installation information?
Our batting cages/tunnels are sold as “net only”. Different installation options appear on our web-site.
How do I determine what size cage/tunnel I may need?
If in the backyard, take measurements, be sure to allow for the installation. In schools, little leagues, etc., 55’ long is for the younger ages and softball. Baseball usually require a 70’ long cage.
What is the difference between poly and nylon netting, hung square and diamond hung netting?
Please refer to our netting reference guide for information or give us a call 1-866-243-6387.
How to I decide what netting to use, which is stronger vs lighter netting?
The smaller the number of the twine size, the lighter the twine. The twine strength is determined by how many filaments a twine carries. As the gauge size increases, the change in the filament changes, which increases the breaking strength and thickness of the twine. Thickness helps with abrasion resistance due to more surface area.
Does SPI produce its own nets?
We do have our own in-house fabrication facility. Our net builders can manufacture a wide variety of custom nets. Do not hesitate to call if our web-site does not offer an item of interest to you 1-866-243-6387.